Technology in the Library
Selected resources are available to support and enhance student learning and the research and scholarship activities of the University.
Audio/Visual Equipment
Includes Webcams, Headsets, Players for DVDs, Blu-Rays, Cassettes and CDs, LCD Monitors, Microforms Readers, TV/VCR Combos, and more; inquire at the Circulation Desk
Playback equipment is also available for use in Special Collections on the 3rd floor
Adaptive Technology
Inquire at the Circulation Desk
Catalog Search Computers
Dedicated computers for searching the Dupré Library Catalog are available on each floor across from the elevators
Charging Cables
Charging Cables for a variety of phones; a USB connection is on one end with eight different phone connections on the other; inquire at the Circulation Desk
Charging Lockers
30 secure lockers on the 1st floor in the alcove behind the Bib Lab provide power outlets for charging laptops; view Laptop Charging Lockers Policy
Charging Stations
For mobile devices, including phones and tablets; in various locations around the library; Be responsible for watching your devices while they are charging.
Collaboration Stations
Large monitors and whiteboards allow groups to view information, work together on projects and create group presentations; view Collaboration Stations
Computer Labs
- Bibliographic Instruction Laboratory (Bib Lab/SMART Classroom)
- Reference Online Center (ROC) Lab
- STEP Lab
Copy Machines
For campus departmental use only; view Copy Machines
Graphing Calculators
TI-84 Plus CE Python edition graphing calculators; can be borrowed for up to 48 hours; inquire at the Circulation Desk
Includes DVDs, CDs, Records, Cassettes, Microforms, and Streaming Videos; view Media
Online Library Resources
Access to books, articles, databases, journals, media, theses and dissertations, research guides, U.S. government information, and much more; the majority of online library resources are accessible off-campus; view Research & Reference Online Center
Portable Power Stations
Rechargeable battery-powered generators have an AC outlet, DC input and output, and USB charging ports to power your devices; includes a 4-in-1 data transfer and quick charging cable (2 iP (Lightning) + Type-c + Micro); can be borrowed for up to 4 hours; inquire at the Circulation Desk
Printing capabilities are available to students on any STEP Lab and Reference Online Center (ROC) Lab computer and from mobile devices using PaperCut; printers are located in the STEP Lab on the 1st floor; view Printing
Self-service KIC Scanning Stations are available on all floors to use at no charge; staff-produced scans of various types are available for a fee; a microfilm scanner is available in the Jefferson Caffery Reading Room on the 3rd floor
Applications available in the Reference Online Center (ROC) computer lab include Microsoft 365 Apps (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, OneNote, OneDrive, Teams), 7-Zip, Acrobat Reader DC, ChemDraw, Chrome, Firefox, PaperCut, SPSS Analytical (install from Software Center), VLC Media Player; others are available in Software Center
Webcams & Headsets
Webcams and headsets with USB connections; inquire at the Circulation Desk
Wireless & Wired Network Connections
The University's latest generation wireless and wired network connections are throughout the building.
Register your wireless and wired devices to connect to the Internet.