STEP Lab in Dupré Library
STEP Lab computers are on the 1st and 2nd floors. Use your ULID and password to log in. Printers are in the STEP Lab on the 1st floor.
The Student Technology Enhancement Program (STEP) is a student-centric program that provides and maintains technology on campus to ensure students have the resources they need to be successful. The purpose of the STEP Labs is to provide Internet access, application software, printing services, and staff assistance to support student instruction and research needs.
The Office of STEP Support (OSS) manages and supports the STEP Labs and its resources. The OSS handles acquiring new equipment, software, and services at its discretion.
Students should abide by the University Computer & Network Policy (PDF) when using STEP Lab computers. Edith Garland Dupré Library is not responsible for the content of materials accessed on the Internet.
Find other STEP Labs on campus
All STEP Lab services shut down 15 minutes before the library building closes. Announcements occur before closing. View Library Hours.
From the Office of STEP Support (OSS)
- Official STEP Lab Policies
- Hardware & Software Listings (install from Software Center)
- Student Employment in the STEP Lab
Students can print to the STEP Lab printers on the 1st floor from any STEP Lab and Reference Online Center (ROC) Lab computer and from any mobile device (PDF) using PaperCut.
PaperCut is a print management system designed to reduce costs associated with excessive printing. Every student receives an account credit of $25.00 per semester. At 10 cents per page, this gives each student the ability to print 250 pages.
You can access your account by clicking on the 'Details...' link in the PaperCut window on the lab computer desktop or by going to PaperCut. Use your ULID and password to log in. The website shows your summary, environmental impact, transaction history, printing rates, recent print jobs, and how to add credit to your PaperCut account with Cajun Cash if you need to print more than 250 pages in a semester.
Find more information on printing with PaperCut at the University IT Service Desk or STEP Labs.
Students, faculty, and staff can print from mobile devices when connected to the University's Wireless Network. Review the instructions for printing from mobile devices (PDF).
For help using the STEP Lab computers and printers, ask the STEP Lab staff on duty in the STEP Lab on the 1st floor.
Direct all questions or comments about the STEP Lab computers and printers to the Office of STEP Support (OSS) at (337) 482-6420 or