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Laptop Charging Lockers Policy

Thirty (30) laptop charging lockers are available in the alcove behind the Bib Lab on the 1st floor. The lockers provide power outlets for charging laptops and can be secured with a user-selected, three-digit combination.

A grant from STEP Technology was used to purchase the laptop charging lockers. They are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The lockers are for the students of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette to use for charging of laptops only.

  • Stickers on each unit provide instructions for locking and unlocking the lockers.
  • Users are responsible for locking the lockers securely, scrambling their codes, remembering the number of the locker they use, and the combination they set.
  • As a recommended precaution, users should place their name either on the laptop or on a note placed in the charging locker.
  • The University of Louisiana at Lafayette and Edith Garland Dupré Library assume no responsibility for loss or damage to personal items left in the charging lockers.
  • Library personnel will check the lockers on a regular basis. Anything stored in these lockers, other than electronic devices, will be disposed of or, if deemed of value, treated as Lost & Found items.
  • All lockers must be cleared by the last day of finals every semester. After that time, electronic devices left in the lockers will be removed and treated as Lost & Found items.
  • Assistance with the laptop charging lockers is offered by library personnel (not student aides) at the Circulation Desk.
  • Reclaiming contents of a locker with the assistance of library personnel entails specific identification requirements, proof of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette affiliation, and demonstrated knowledge of ownership.
  • University Police handles all reclamation requests that do not meet the identification and affiliation requirements for use of the laptop lockers.

Library Laptop Lockers

[ Last Revised on May 9, 2023 ]