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Exhibit: Shakespeare’s Life and Works

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Honoring the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare's death (1564-1616), Dupré Library is collaborating with the Friends of the Humanities and university departments to provide a look at this great writer’s work. Poet, dramatist, and actor, Shakespeare is often called the English national poet and considered by many to be the greatest dramatist of all time.

An exhibit in the library’s Grand Hallway displays costumes, photographs and other materials from the UL Lafayette School of Music and Performing Arts’ 2015 production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Sheri Lazare, Instructor of English, provided unique items, including a model of the Globe Theatre, built in 1599 for Shakespeare’s plays. Books, DVDs, posters and other materials for the display were personally loaned or borrowed from the library’s collection.

Dupré Library expresses appreciation to the Friends of the Humanities, which has also provided funding to purchase new eBooks and print books about Shakespeare and his times.

As part of the commemoration, students from Dr. Sara Birk's theatre class, Voice for the Actor II, will be performing monologues from Shakespeare’s plays. The event is planned for 2:30 p.m., Thursday, April 21 in the Grand Hallway. All are invited to attend.

The exhibit was curated by Sherry Curry, Associate Professor of Library Science.