Dupré Library is accepting scholarly research papers and projects for the 2025 Annual Caffery Competition.
Fun Fact Friday with Special Collections
Fri, 04/14/2023 - 10:45amToday, we are celebrating the addition of two new collections to the archives.
Thomas “Tommy” Michot is a retired research scientist at the Institute for Coastal Ecology and Engineering at UL Lafayette. His research focused on ecology and management of coastal marshes, mangroves, and seagrass beds in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, and how wintering waterfowl and other birds use those habitats. His projects investigated habitat requirements of ivory-billed woodpeckers; submersed aquatic vegetation in St. Johns River, Florida; saltmarsh dieback in coastal Louisiana; emergent marsh vegetation communities at Catahoula Lake, Louisiana; hurricane impacts to seagrass beds and emergent marsh in coastal Louisiana, Honduras, and Guatemala; distribution and abundance of colonial water birds in Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas; and waterfowl foraging ecology along the Gulf Coast.
He has published 106 scientific papers and has made 140 scientific presentations on these and related topics. He has been a member of the Graduate Faculty and Adjunct Faculty in Biology since 1997. He has served on several boards, commissions, task forces, and committees throughout his tenure.
This collection of papers includes files on Dr. Michot’s research on Red Head Ducks, field notes, data sheets, photographs and slides, computer punch cards, and audio cassettes.
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Fun Fact Friday is brought to you by Special Collections.