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Fun Fact Friday with Special Collections

Festival International de Louisiane 2022 is the first Festival held in person since 2019, before the pandemic.

Begun in 1987, this year is the 35th annual celebration. This international music and arts festival celebrates our connection to the Francophone world. Not only is this festival a celebration of our French heritage and connection, it is estimated to be the second largest free international music festival in the world! Estimates for attendance in 2016 are roughly 400,000 people. This quadruples the city of Lafayette for the weekend!

In 2017, there were artists from 18 countries and was run with the help of nearly 3,000 volunteers. Each year, the festival publishes a poster and a new pin design.Performers from around the world and here at home will be performing throughout the weekend on one of seven stages set up throughout downtown Lafayette. There is also a fundraiser this year to support for artist DakhaBrakha’s home country of Ukraine. Funds will go to the relief funds of the band’s choice.

With artists from over 23 countries, this year’s festival is sure to be an even bigger success than past years! As the festival grows and thrives, we hope everyone not only supports the festival, but also has a fun and safe time doing so!

Copies of the Official Guide to Festival International de Louisiane are found in Special Collections. Have a great festival!

2022 Official Festival International de Louisiane Poster

2022 Official Festival International de Louisiane Poster

View more photos on the Special Collections Facebook Page.

Fun Fact Friday is brought to you by Special Collections.