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Keystone View Company Slides

Collection 126

Keystone View Company. Slides, [1910s 1920s]

ca. 700 items

This collection contains stereopticon slides and glass plates produced by the Keystone View Company of Meadville, Pennsylvania. These views are of scenes from all over the world. They were produced for educational purposes and discovered in a Gretna, Louisiana elementary school. There is one study booklet on Mexico which accompanies a section of the slides. In addition there are two boxes of handmade glass slides. One contains scenes from stories of Peter Rabbit, and the second contains miscellaneous items including several images related to the War Between the States.

The donor also included a stereopticon viewer.

Donated by Don Robertson, Lafayette, Louisiana.


A. Stereopticon Slides Box 1 through Box 20
B. Glass Slides Box 21 through Box 23
C. Geography Unit Box 25
D. Glass Plates Box 26 and Box 27


A. Stereopticon Slides
Box 1 U.S.A.
Box 2 U.S.A.
Box 3 U.S.A., Canada
Box 4 Australia, U.S.A., Canada, England, Philippine Islands, Costa Rica, Egypt, West Indies, Ceylon, Java, Brazil
Box 5 U.S.A., India, Africa, Asia, Australia, Italy, Palestine
Box 6 Central America, Syria, Palestine, Philippine Islands, Egypt, U.S.A., Mexico, British West Indies, Australia, Norway, Japan, Belgium, Italy, Jamaica, China, Bulgaria, Chili
Box 7 U.S.A., New Guinea, Greece, Holland, Central Africa, Madeira Island, Sicily, Norway, Palestine, Korea, Philippine Islands, Canada, Mexico
Box 8 Netherlands, Bohemia, Palestine, Egypt, South Africa, Ceylon, Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Washington, Australia, Philippine Islands, New Guinea, U.S.A.
Box 9 U.S.A.
Box 10 U.S.A.
Box 11 U.S.A.
Box 12 U.S.A., Puerto Rico, Canada, Newfoundland, Labrador, Mexico
Box 13 Mexico, Central America, Cuba, French West Indies, Jamaica, Leeward [Islands] Group, South America
Box 14 South America, Chile, Venezuela, Greenland, South Polar Region, England
Box 15 England, France, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Holland
Box 16 Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, France, Spain, Switzerland
Box 17 Switzerland, Italy, Sicily Italy, Australia Hungary, Austria, Serbia, Turkey, Greece, Syria
Box 18 India, Ceylon, China, Japan
Box 19 Japan, Korea, Siberia, Java, Philippine Islands, Island of Guam, Africa, Egypt
Box 20 Africa, Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, U.S.A.
B. Glass Slides
Box 21 U.S.A.
Box 22 U.S.A.
Box 23 Canada, Labrador, Mexico, Salvador, Costa Rica, French West Indies, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Greenland, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, France, Sicily, Palestine, India, China
Box 24 China, Japan, Philippine Islands, Egypt, U.S.A.
C. Geography Unit
Box 25 Mexico
D. Glass Plates
Box 26 Homemade plates with scenes from Peter Rabbit (11 slides)
Box 27 Homemade plates with miscellaneous scenes including some dealing with the Civil War (14 slides)

Detailed Inventory:

A. Stereopticon Slides (Pictures)
Picture number Box number Country
1-100 1 through 3 U.S.A.
1P-19P 3 U.S.A.
20P 3 Canada
21P 4 Australia
22P-30P 4 U.S.A.
31P 4 Canada
32P 4 England
33P-37P 4 U.S.A.
38P-39P 4 Philippine Islands
40P-47P 4 U.S.A.
48P 4 Costa Rica
49P 4 Egypt
50P 4 Philippine Islands
51P 4 West Indies
52P 4 Ceylon
53P 4 Java
54P 4 U.S.A.
55P 4 Brazil
56P 4 Java
57P-64P 4-5 U.S.A.
65P 5 India
66P-67P 5 Africa
68P 5 Asia
69P 5 Australia
70P 5 India
71-82P 5 U.S.A.
82P 5 Australia
84P-87P 5 U.S.A.
88P 5 Italy
89P-09P 5 India
91P-92P 5 U.S.A.
93P 5 U.S.A.
94P 5 Palestine
95P-98P 5 U.S.A.
100P 5 Palestine
101P 6 Central America
103P 6 Syria
104P 6 Palestine
105P 6 Philippine Islands
106P 6 Egypt
107P-108P 6 U.S.A.
109P 6 Mexico
110P-114P 6 U.S.A.
115P 6 Mexico
116P-117P 6 U.S.A.
118P 6 British West Indies
119P-120P 6 U.S.A.
121P 6 Australia
122P-123P 6 U.S.A.
124P 6 Norway
135P-127P 6 Japan
128P-129P 6 U.S.A.
130P 6 Belgium
131P 6 U.S.A.
133P 6 Italy
134P 6 Jamaica
140P-144P 6-7 U.S.A.
145P 7 New Guinea
146P 7 Greece
147P 7 U.S.A.
148P 7 Holland
149P-170P 7 U.S.A.
171P 7 Central Africa
172P 7 Madeira Island
173P 7 Sicily
174P 7 Norway
175P 7 Palestine
176P 7 Korea
177P 7 Philippine Islands
178P 7 Canada
179P 7 Mexico
181P 8 Netherlands
182P 8 Bohemia
185P 8 Palestine
186P 8 Egypt
187P 8 South Africa
188P 8 Ceylon
189P-192P 8 Japan
193P 8 Korea
194P 8 Manchuria
195P 8 Washington
196P-197P 8 Australia
198P 8 Philippine Islands
199P 8 New Guinea
201-256 8-12 U.S.A.
257-258 12 Puerto Rico
260-261 12 U.S.A.
262-277 12 Canada
278 12 Newfoundland
279 12 Labrador
280-290 12-13 Mexico
291-294 13 Central America
295-299 13 Cuba
300 13 French West Indies
301 13 Jamaica
302 13 French West Indies
303 13 Leward [Islands] Group
304-327 13-14 South America
328 14 Chile
329-339 14 South America
340-341 14 Venezuela
342 14 Greenland
345 14 South Polar Region
347-363 14-15 England
364 15 France
365-373 15 Scotland
374-382 15 Ireland
383-394 15 Germany
395-398 15 Belgium
399-403 15-16 Holland
404-406 16 Denmark
407-415 16 Norway
416-420 16 Sweden
421-432 16 France
433-439 16-17 Spain
440-449 17 Switzerland
450-454 17 Italy
455 17 Sicily
456-459 17 Italy
460 17 Austria Hungary
461-462 17 Austria
463-466 17 Austria Hungary
467-469 17 Serbia
470-471 17 Austria Hungary
472-474 17 Turkey
475-478 17 Greece
494 17 Syria
500-510 18 India
511-512 18 Ceylon
513-524 18 China
525-541 18-19 Japan
542-543 19 Korea
544 19 Siberia
545 19 Java
546-553 19 Philippine Islands
554 19 Island of Guam
555-559 19 Africa
560-569 19 Egypt
570-584 19-20 Africa
585-890 20 Australia
591 20 New Zealand
592 20 New Guinea
593-600 20 U.S.A.
Serial Number Box Number Country
26293-26295 20 U.S.A.
B. Glass Slides
Slide number Box number Country
3-260 21-22 U.S.A.
262-276 23 Canada
279 23 Labrador
281, 289 23 Mexico
292 23 Salvador
294 23 Costa Rica
297 23 Cuba
302-303 23 French West Indies
310 23 Brazil
314, 317 23 Argentina
325 23 Chile
343 23 Greenland
366 23 Scotland
378 23 Ireland
390 23 Germany
398 23 Belgium
399 23 Netherlands
405 23 Denmark
407-408 23 Norway
421 23 France
455 23 Sicily
498 23 Palestine
506, 507, 509 23 India
518, 522 23-24 China
530, 536, 541 24 Japan
551-552 24 Philippine Islands
561, 567 24 Egypt
595 24 U.S.A.
C. Geography Unit
Numbers Box number Country
501-525 25 Mexico
D. Glass Plates
  Box number Description
  26 Homemade with scenes from Peter Rabbit, 11 slides
  27 Homemade with miscellaneous scenes including some dealing with American Civil War, 14 slides