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Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

ILLiad Account


The Interlibrary Loan Department supports the research and educational needs of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette community by providing access to materials not held in Dupré Library's collections. The department conducts all transactions in accordance with the Louisiana Interlibrary Loan Code, the National Interlibrary Loan Code, ALA Interlibrary Loan Code, and U. S. Copyright regulations.

Eligible Users

Interlibrary Loan services are available only to the current University of Louisiana at Lafayette faculty, staff, students, distance learning, and retirees who are engaged in research and possess a library circulation account in good standing. Blocked or delinquent library records must be cleared for service.


The Interlibrary Loan Department does not limit the number of requests an individual may submit per day. Depending on the total volume of requests, the ILL staff may be able to handle a limited number of requests from one user per day.

Be sure to read this page as well as the following pages before using this service.

ILLiad Account

ILLiad is an interlibrary loan request and document delivery system used by ILL.

Use your ILLiad Account to:

  • Request articles, books, and other materials not available through the library's collections
  • View the status and history of your requests
  • Access documents received electronically
  • Search your requests
  • Update your account profile and preferences

First time users need to register for an ILLiad account. Your ULID and password will not work.



There is usually no charge for borrowing returnable materials. If the lending institution charges for returnable materials, the ILL staff obtains the user's agreement to pay those charges before submitting the request.


There is no charge for articles.

Departmental Charges

Users approved by Departmental Heads for this method of payment should type "Departmental Charge" and their departmental account number in the Notes field of the request form.

Delivery Time & Notification

We cannot predict the delivery time for any particular request. Your order can take anywhere from a few hours to one to four weeks to arrive.

You will be notified by email or phone when your order arrives. You must pick up books in the Interlibrary Loan Department. Articles are primarily delivered electronically via a link in your ILLiad Account under Electronically Received Articles. If for some reason, we cannot deliver your article electronically, the method of delivery will default to hold for pick up at the Circulation Desk.

Status of Requests

You can check the status of your request at any time by logging into your ILLiad Account and reviewing your 'Active Requests' or choosing 'Requests History'. This Explanation of ILLiad Request Status (PDF) can help to understand your borrowing status.

For orders involving a fee: If you feel the material will arrive too late for your use, contact us as soon as possible. If your order has not been shipped by the lending institution, we may be able to cancel your request and avoid unwanted charges for you.

Returning Materials

Borrowed items should be returned to the Interlibrary Loan Department or the Reference Desk on or before the due date and must not be returned to the Circulation Desk, in the drop slot or return box, or the mail.

The user is responsible for returnable materials from the time it is picked up in the Interlibrary Loan Department until it is properly returned. Any fee or fine resulting from an improperly returned item is the responsibility of the user.


You may request a renewal on any Interlibrary Loan material, as long as "No Renewals" was not one of the restrictions that the lending library placed on the item.


  • One renewal request allowed per loan
  • Renewal Approval is up to the lender
  • Renewals granted are usually 2-4 weeks
  • Request renewals through your ILLiad Account
  • Requests for renewals must be made within the 5-day period before the due date. ILLiad will not allow renewals outside of this time-frame
    • Note: The Due Date automatically generated by ILLiad upon submission of your Renewal Request is a provisional or "temporary" due date. You will be notified of the response and/or the new due date via email.


You may also log in to your ILLiad Account to check the status of your request at any time. The response may be:

  • Renewal is granted (you will receive a new due date)
  • Renewal is denied (you must return the material immediately)


  • Renewals cannot be placed on overdue materials
  • Renewals cannot be placed on "No Renewal" items
  • We cannot grant second renewals. However, you may re-request the item if needed.
  • You are allowed one re-request of a borrowed item during a semester after the first copy is returned to Interlibrary Loan.

How to Submit Your Renewal Request

You can place a renewal request through your ILLiad Account.


When the material is due and has not been picked up from the Interlibrary Loan Department, it is returned to the lending institution.

If the material has been picked up, you will receive an overdue notice. ILLiad automatically generates overdue notices and blocks the user's account once the system deems the account extremely overdue.

If the material is not returned, you will be responsible for any charges imposed upon us by the lending institution.

All interlibrary loan materials are subject to recall by the lending library. If recalled, materials must be returned immediately.


ILL may not be used to fill textbook or reference requirements for coursework.

ILL is not a substitute for the purchase of textbooks

Abuse of Services

Violation of other libraries' lending regulations, including repeated overdue, jeopardizes borrowing privileges and could eventually eliminate the benefits of services for everyone.

Interlibrary Loan strives to maintain a good working relationship with suppliers by returning their materials promptly.

The Interlibrary Loan Department reserves the right to deny privileges to anyone abusing these policies.